How to Use/Wear Snowshoes Securely and Easily

Anyone who is new to snowshoeing will likely find it confusing, especially when they’re about to strap the gears to their boots. You might spend more time on the trailhead, frustrated, trying to figure out how the bindings work, only to find that they’d go loose again and again. This happens to almost all first-time…

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5 Reasons to Go Snowshoeing This Winter

Is snowshoeing fun, you ask? Well, the best we can say is, it depends on you. If you hike a lot during the big three seasons, you’ll most certainly enjoy snowshoeing. With the right snowshoes, you can access the trails normally inaccessible in winter due to the deep snow. Also, if you’re much of a…

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Is Snowshoeing Hard?

Is snowshoeing hard? If you’re a beginner, you don’t have to get cold feet. The answer will put you at ease and encourage you to take the plunge in snowshoeing. I’ve been asked that question for quite a few times by friends and relatives, and my immediate answer has always been as simple as “no.”…

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How to Snowshoe: Basic Techniques You Should Know

Nothing is really hard about snowshoeing. Everything is pretty much intuitive once you’re on the trailhead and strap those snowshoes of yours. After all, you just need to walk. Still, even the easiest sport needs some time before you can get used to it and enjoy it. This guide aims to shorten that time. We’re…

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